Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Leigh do you remember where this was taken? I'll leave you guessing.


Leigh Anna said...

oh gosh! i have no looks as though i need to wash my face...and stop eating popcorn maybe, oh gosh...I don't know...I think at a basketball game, and i pretended to flash you...even though I was wearing clothes. Oh gosh, why didn't you tell me to wash my face...sick! Buuuut I miss you debbie hooper! hope your doing well...and congrats on learning how to post pictures!!

Melanie M. McKinnon said...


Leigh Anna said...

debbie hooper, in case you didn't know i changed the webaddress to my page. but have no fear, all you need to do is click the blue leigh anna underlined thing and it will take you there....and isn't it time for you to update;) loves